Where’s the Whistleblower?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 23, 2019
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you engage in the extortion of a US ally, holding them hostage by withholding U.S. military aid unless they further your personal political ambitions by falsely defaming your opponent.
I am the Whisleblower because I have seen your actions in Syria lead to the unnecessary slaughter of our former Kurdish allies, the release of more than 100 key ISIS prisoners, the dropping of all sanctions against Turkey in spite of the war crimes they have apparently committed, and your ceding control of that part of Syria to Russia and Turkey in betrayal of American interests.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed you engage in dozens, perhaps hundreds, of criminal acts of obstruction of justice.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you engage in criminal acts of witness tampering.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you use the office of the Presidency to enrich yourself and your family through grossly unethical, immoral, and criminal acts, and that you have often attempted to trade U.S. policy in return for personal gain.
I am the Whistleblower because I have personally observed that you meet the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (pathological narcissism), Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopathy), and malignant narcissism in their entirety. The psychiatric community has broadly confirmed that my assessment is correct. I have witnessed behaviors and statements from you that are irrational and tethered neither to reality nor any sense of past history or future consequences. I have, along with the psychiatric community, observed that these factors make you dangerously unstable, unpredictable and unfit to serve as POTUS.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you engage in blatant violations of campaign finance laws.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you betray American interests while engaging in collusion with our hostile adversaries.
I am the Whistleblower because I have learned that you have instructed federal officials to violate the law.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed evidence of your inappropriate dangling of pardons.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen evidence of you compromising America’s national security through the inappropriate granting of security clearances.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed you ask Russia, a foreign adversary, to dig up dirt on your political opponent.
I am the Whistleblower because I am aware that you have provided classified and code-level TOP SECRET information to our enemies.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed you ignore lawful Congressional subpoenas to try to hide evidence of your wrongdoing.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you fawn over murderous dictators while betraying our allies.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen and heard you engage in repeated acts of defamation.
I am the Whistleblower because I have heard dozens of women make credible allegations about how you have sexually assaulted them, and I believe that your alleged rape of a 13 year old, in concert with Jeffery Epstein, is credible as well.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen you engage in an ongoing conspiracy to defraud the United States of America.
I am the Whistleblower because I have observed that all roads with you lead to Vladamir Putin.
I am the Whistleblower because I have seen credible evidence that you have engaged in a career centered on profiting from money laundering for foreign entities along with pervasive financial and tax fraud.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed you engaging in ongoing acts and words of racism and white nationalism that often incite people to violence.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed you use grossly false assertions to damage the credibility of the press, our intelligence services, and our law enforcement agencies.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed corruption and unethical conduct by those you have appointed and allow to continue working in your government, permeating virtually every cabinet office.
I am the Whistleblower because I am aware that you have, more than 13,000 times, lied to the American people on other matters of both significance and insignificance.
I am the Whisleblower because I have seen those under your direction permanently separate children from their parents and put them in cages.
I am the Whistleblower because I have witnessed your failure, on a daily basis, to faithfully execute the duties of the Office of President of the United States, and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
I am the Whistleblower because “the world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
I am the Whistleblower and I will gladly testify about what I have seen and witnessed, if and whenever I am called before Congress, whether it is for your impeachment in the House or for your subsequent trial and removal from office in the Senate.
I am the Whistleblower and I am not the only one. There are millions and millions of us whistleblowers across every part of this great country. The sound of our whistle is so loud that there is nowhere that you can hide. Your days of running America as your personal mafia operation are over, Donald John Trump.
We are the Whistleblowers. Hear us roar.
Depth of the debt the USA owes to this still unnamed whistleblower is almost unfathomable. A broad criminal conspiracy, a plot against a second presidential election, gross abuses of power. Apparently we never wld have learned of any of it if not for this single person.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) October 22, 2019
Please feel free to share this column on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag: #IAmTheWhistleblower.
Also please feel free to share your own reasons for being a whistleblower and removing this President from office using the hashtag: #IAmTheWhistleblower.
🎶You woke up the lion now she’s gonna call your bluff
Her eyes can cut right through you ’til your secrets are revealed
I don’t have time to play these games with you
If this is going to end I’ll be the one to say we’re through🎶
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